Fun to Rent!
Ever wish you could just test drive an item before you bought it? Or maybe you just don’t want to have to shell out your hard-earned cash when you only need it for a day – or an hour! Or maybe YOU have valuable assets just laying around collecting dust – why not make some money when you are not using it!?
FundaRental is a fun and friendly rental community that provides an easy way to rent (vs buy) WHATEVER it is you need – for as long as you need it – at a fraction of the price! And it is so easy! Just click, reserve and pick it up from someone just as friendly as you 🙂
Earn up to $3,000 a month renting your unused items
Join the thousands of lenders already earning money renting out their unused belongings.
Average listings on our platform make $100 per week
It feels good to share what you have with your community when they need it. And why not make some $ along the way!
It only takes a few moments sign up and start earning today!
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How to Add a New Listing

Click on “Signup” or “Login” if you already have an account.
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Add your Rental
Fill in rental details, like price, photos, description, etc.
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Start Renting!
Click on “View Listings” from your login area to review, edit, etc.
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